Elektronite began in 2005 as a non-profit project to foster the development of new games for theMattel Electronics Intellivision video game system. Founded by Valter Prette, it sought to provide game developers the tools, documentation, and an emulation environment to bring newIntellivision games to market. 2012 was a breakthrough year forElektronite. It teamed up with Classic Game Publishers, Inc. and released its first game, DK Arcade, in cartridge only format. Later that same year, D2K Arcade was also released cartridge only, but in a brand new shell designed by Left Turn Only, LLC. D2K got the full treatment not long afterwards, coming shrink wrapped in a Mattel-style gatefold box, complete with its manual and overlays.
Since then, it's been a slow but steady stream of quality games produced with the finest all-new, professionally-made materials. Customers love the authentic gatefold boxes that are a standard part ofElektronite releases. And, every game comes in a newly-manufactured cartridge shell.
Working with talented programmers,Elektronite spends countless hours over many months testing and fine tuning its games to ensure the highest quality possible! Elektronite is proud to have sought and successfully acquired licenses for classic hits such as Defender of the Crown from Cinemaware, Hover Bovver from Llamasoft, Boulder Dash(R) from First Star Software, and Miner 2049er from Big Five Software.
Download the latest release catalogue from Elektronite HERE.